
It is Monday morning, with two days remaining until the automatic withdrawal from the Foundation’s bank account in the amount of $2,754 will occur, satisfying the payment of past-due taxes to the IRS.

As I shared yesterday, the timing and amount are non-negotiable, and thanks to the support of many there is now $2,156 of that amount available, with only $598 still needed to cover the expense.

Everyone’s support is still invited, since it is the single means of meeting not just this specific need, but the continuing availability of everything we do without a cost of any kind—a Gift from all to all—which is the signature of That which underlies this work . . .

. . . the active Gift of Love.

It is the way that we must all continue to promote the shift to Brotherhood . . . and what Atonement is as an experience  instead of an event.

I thank you all!

Kingston, Washington
May 13, 2024


Your gift can be received almost instantaneously by


Or you can send it by regular mail to:

P.O. Box 1490
Kingston, WA 98346-1490


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It is Sunday morning, with three days remaining until an automatic withdrawal  from the Foundation’s bank account in the amount of $2,754 will occur, and this will satisfy past-due taxes to the IRS. The timing and amount are non-negotiable, but there are presently only $668 of that amount available.

As always, everyone’s support is needed and invited. It is the single means of meeting not just this specific need, but the continuing availability of everything we do without a cost of any kind—a Gift from all to all—which is the signature of That which underlies this work . . .

. . . the active Gift of Love . . .

. . . and it is the way we will continue to promote the shift to Broherhood and what Atonement is as an experience instead of an event.

I love you all!

Kingston, Washington
May 12, 2024


Your gift can be received almost instantaneously by


Or you can send it by regular mail to:

P.O. Box 1490
Kingston, WA 98346-1490


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PAUL.  Good morning, Raj.

RAJ.   Yes. Good morning . . .

PAUL.   I’m interrupting you because the very way we’re beginning this conversation suggests there are two of us when it’s either me seeing clearly or me seeing through a glass darkly.  How can we continue acting as though there is a Raj and a Paul?

Okay. I (Paul) understand that questions are the leading edge of answers . . . and not the evidence of the existence of an ignorant questioner—a “self.”

RAJ.   Yes. A question is a heightened aliveness to an anticipated “something”—a sensing of movement of some sort—in the form of aroused attentiveness.

I am not talking about dread or doubt or pessimism. Those are forms of resistance, whereas being “alive” to something is an attitude of embrace without reservation.

You see?

You will notice that when you are confronted with need . . . which is the leading edge of “behold, I make all things new” . . . it is interpreted to be the need of an imaginary, irrelevant and non-existent “self,” leading one to conclusive “proof of guilt or responsibility.” And this is a complete distraction from what the need is actually the evidence of . . . which is the ever-NEW ever-original infinite Wholeness of Being!

You see!

Questions and needs are like the sun rising. The light begins to show at the horizon, and as it does, its rays begin to touch you standing in the dark. You might become infatuated with the sight of you and abandon the horizon, together with what lies just beyond it . . . which is what is actually coming into view.

You see?

It doesn’t matter what you look like. It doesn’t matter that there seems to be a “self.” What matters is that something out of sight is coming into view and showing you the more of Being than was seen before . . .


It likewise means that I am not a “self” in my own right . . . whose beneficence you are so lucky to have gifted to you, because I am . . . unlike you and unlike any other . . . the Son of God!


This you must see, or else our Brotherhood and that of all Mankind will forever be just coming into view, off in the distance, trapped at the horizon, while your attention hasn’t gotten beyond the end of the nose of this fascinating illusion of a “self.”

Can you dare to be the Knowing without being a “knower”? The Doing without being a “doer”? Can you dare to be as you are being at this very moment? Is there a “you” and “me”? No. Or is there just Knowing and Being and Doing?  The latter, of course. This is what Being is! This is what it’s all about.

I am aware that this is mind-boggling. But it is only because you are trying to “understand” what I’m saying, even though the experience at this moment is the one I am describing. “How,” you want to know, “do you translate this into every moment . . . especially since it is neglecting to “personalize” or turn everything into a “self”ish context.

I know! How do you NEGLECT on purpose? Well, such a task is something only a “self” would come up with. One of the main characteristics of the “self” is that it operates on the basis of “instructions,” “understandings” which can be logically arranged to arrive at a conclusion which demonstrates control . . . and therefore authority . . . and therefore actuality!

So, one must play a little game of Let’s Pretend.

Let’s pretend there is a you and me so that you can lean on me while you dare to let go of your personal authority—that which gives you the feeling of being actual—so that you can experience the fact that when you aren’t in charge, you still exist; that when you are not defended, you are still safe; that when you aren’t thinking, you are still conscious; and that your presence of mind is your identity and not the characteristics you have cultivated to present to the world.

I can’t do any of this for you. But in holding you firmly as you learn to lean into the horizon without tensing up with self-protection, you get the hang of it . . . the a-ha! of delight and the effortlessness of simply Be-ing. And then I can let you go.

Now, this is enough for tonight. Do not work this over in your mind. It’s all there . . . obviously! You do know it. Just be with it.

That’s it!

Kingston, Washington
May 11, 2024


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— Awakening: What It’s All About —


PAUL.   After reading the first few conversations in Graduation last night, I went to bed and got up this morning with my attention with you . . . asking if you were there, together with other questions which established connection in an ongoing way. While we were out in the car, I was “constantly” making the statement I use before each Gathering and Study Group . . .

“I allow only for
that which expresses
the Christ consciousness,
and only that
which is in harmony with
the Purpose of Being
—the Father’s Will”. . .

. . . reminding myself that I could be present with everything about the outing from that centered place of being Joined.

Although I would slip and engage in reaction to Susan, I relatively quickly recognized it and placed my attention once again with you and what your response would be to anything else she might say as we continued on.

I have not spent a day so devoted, I don’t think, ever before. And yet, it seems to have been a more miserable day than any other in a very long time.

RAJ.   Indeed. Persisting in Listening does not insure that there will be no challenges. Do you think that what I have to say is welcomed by everyone? And do you think that when you or anyone slips and abandons Love for fear and self defense that my feelings are hurt?

Love requires patience when learning is slow and defense is abandoned with reluctance . . . patience with yourself, as well as patience with others who seek my words through you through their smokescreens of doubt and fear.

It is not your prerogative to be perturbed. You have no position in which such a response is meaningful. A call for Love is not a call for leverage.  It is a call for Love!  It is a call for that which sees the Truth beyond the artificial boundaries which seem to call for fear and self defense. These Love illuminates . . . without accentuating fear and self defense by means of . . . what? Retaliation.

You see?

This doesn’t really call for greater self-determination or self-discipline. It’s not about superior control, but comprehension . . . the recognition of the “territory” You are in. A Territory in which opposites do not exist, in which embrace instead of push-and-pull means peace and not polarity . . . and patience is the infinite depth of Love which nourishes the Soul into its fulness, and heals without a hint of judgment, blame or guilt.

Such is the Gift called the Atonement. And it begins with, “Today, I will make no decisions by myself.” “Thy will, not mine be done.”

Today you have learned through your reactions that habits tend to persist . . . that emotion has been more important than the Love which justifies forgiveness . . . and forgives!

Today you’ve learned that “who” blames “who,” means nothing!  And “being blamed” means nothing, too, because there is no “me” and “thee” that wasn’t “us” before it could be seen as otherwise, and therefore isn’t now!

This is more than just a play on words. It is the Truth. The very word “autonomous” requires the existence of “another,” from which to BE autonomous! There cannot be and therefore is no state of independence. And independence must be nothing more than an interminable ACT of “me” not being “you” and “you” not being “me,” while leaving the “Us” that We divinely Are untouched and unaffected by the irrelevant and meaningless pretense of exclusivity!

You see?

The imagination that one is an independent agent . . . free . . . is by definition “free from” something which must be as absolutely, constantly present as one’s imagined “self.” It must necessarily persistently defend itself, in order for its nonexistence to be totally obscured from sight!

So, you are learning to persist, as well. Persist in what?  Not in better self-control! Not in better thinking! Not in better declarations of Truth! No! You are faced with having to learn to persist in silencing your thinking. Again: Not by means of better mind control, but by NEGLECTING to think. Becoming still while remaining attentive and asking, “What is the Truth here?” And then letting the words form.

And here is the incredible simplicity . . . the practice of which is called the Atonement:

“In defenselessness
my safety lies.”

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only those thoughts which you would have manifest bodily, you will govern yourself harmoniously.”

Since you began this conversation, Paul, you have been standing porter at the door of thought, right where reaction seemed to take away your joy today.

You have been admitting those thoughts which I have been sharing, while abandoning the disappointment, self-judgment, and self-punishment which seem to have been righteously and appropriately deserved . . . but were incapable of revealing the Love with which you are loved, the Love which Susan deserves, and the revealing of needs met which you both so obviously stand at the threshold of as it relates to this work we are doing together.

While Listening, you have been governing yourself harmoniously . . . consonant with the Purpose of Being, and not at odds with It in any ACT of independence. And this is what it’s all about . . . Awakening, that is . . . remembering to neglect to react and then standing porter at the door of thought . . . the threshold called the holy instant!

In conclusion I will share with everyone that there have been eleven contributions received since Monday, and $2,775 is still needed by this coming Monday. You can add your support to the meeting of this need by clicking on the link below.

The Giving Place

My gratitude for everyone’s attention is beyond what you can imagine because it arises from my recognition of what you truly Are . . . our Father’s expression of Us, indivisibly united while infinitely individualized. We are His Love, completing Him by acknowledging Him as all there is to Us . . . as an EXPERIENCE, not as a definition.

I love you.

Kingston, Washington
May 9, 2024


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You know? Whether one can easily express the experience of need, and the meeting of it, in spiritual terms, needs must not be overlooked. And the grounding simplicity of this fact is summed up in the following words:

“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.”

This is not a comforting salve or a beautiful sentiment with which to stroke one’s disturbed mind. On the contrary, it’s the expression of a Law of Being. 

Love doesn’t overlook, rise above, ignore or fight with need. It meets it! Love is the demonstration of the fact that needs are not effects of causes different from the Father—Who is the source and condition of Existence. No! Needs are, themselves, always the thresholds of Creation taking new form.

This is very important to understand.

If need is being experienced, it means that divine Love is already on the move!  It likewise means that each of us is called upon to feel It moving in us . . . finding resolving expression in the most practical of terms—those of needs recognizably met!

But believing that needs are at odds with Life invites the false conclusion that there is a culprit . . . a “cause” which calls for blame, judgment, guilt and penalty, instead. And usually it will be yourself!

I have pointed out before that ” Love inspires, illumines, designates and leads the way.” And this is the truer way to look at It. Divine Love, inspiring you is Love promoting the desire to yield into  the Unknown . . . to yield into the experience of “Behold, I make all things new,” which means, “Behold, I keep all things Whole!” This is the Meaning of the holy instant—the “now” instant of Consciousness: It is the ever-present Conscious Experience of Being, and the simultaneous “receiving” and “letting go” is the HOLINESS of Being . . . not a problem to pinpoint, condemn or punish!

Kingston, Washington
May 6, 2024

Beginning today, and for the next seven days, expenses amounting to $3,500 will become due, and everyone’s help is invited. Just click on the image at the top of this post or the one at the top right-hand side of this page.

Thank you



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Thank you to everyone for your support in response to the recent invitation. We are still approximately $2,700 short of the immediate needs which come due in the next 48 hours, and there is a $161 balance in the Foundation’s bank account.

Your continuing support is needed, invited, and will be gratefully received.

To add your gift, click on The Giving Place icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Kingston, Washington
April 25th, 2024

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Click on the image below!



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PAUL.   Good evening, Raj.

RAJ.   Good evening.

PAUL.   You are going to need to do the talking. Right now I’m only wanting to give voice to the sidekick . . . which seems to be in a “situation” and wants out.

RAJ.   I understand, Paul.

[Nothing heard.]

I need help getting past my judgments and anger regarding the apparently negative results of operating on the basis of Gift. It’s obvious that money is leverage, forcing equity (equilibrium, balance) and avoiding the extremes of wealth and poverty. But it now has become paramount—that upon which everything else depends or is threatened to end.

You know that I am absolutely committed to gifting without transaction entering anywhere into the picture . . . and that’s why it makes me angry when my attention has to focus on “generating support” instead of making the Gift.

So, I’m probably the bottleneck here. When I get upset about the situation it becomes difficult to hear you, and I resist all communications, not just the ones inviting everyone to participate in the making of the Gift. Then, in the absence of involvement, support does  dwindle.

So,   here we are . . . or here I  seem to be—stuck in what feels like appropriate, justifiable, righteous frustration.

[Nothing heard.]

Am I stalling? Or are you not saying anything?

[Nothing heard.]

I’m blocking, aren’t I?

RAJ.  Yes, you are.

PAUL.   What do I think I’m saving myself from?

RAJ.   Judgment, conviction and penalty.

PAUL.   So, I’m using my “self” as the focus instead of the Answer as the focus?

RAJ.   Yes. Saving your ass in everyone’s eyes is not the goal. Needs met IS. How needs are met is up to the Nature and Character and Action of God’s Love, and has nothing to do with you—your personal nature, character or behavior.

So, the focus needs to be on how God is working His Purpose out. Not how you are working out yours!  And how does everyone give Him permission—meaning,  how does everyone refrain from introducing distractions, resistances, or personal preferences?

You see?

Bringing your personal, private sense of “self” into the equation, and then replacing Him with it, will always create fear, guilt, judgment and the threat of penalty . . . obscuring the Natural, inevitable Movement of fulfillment which the declaration of independence attempts to replace. Why does it obscure it? Because it IS the attempt to replace It!

If you think that it is your responsibility to behave in a way which demonstrates integrity that you don’t otherwise have . . . if you think that you must earn respect in order to be respectable . . . if you think the opinions and assessments others have of you define who you are . . . then you are the puppet of forever shifting “values” which others employ for their own “self”ish purposes, and the blind end up leading the blind.

Of course, you are going to feel overwhelmed, stuck, lost and stupid when you are anchored in the ever-changing tide of others’ fears and panic-stricken grabbing for stability THEY do not have. What else can your experience be?

You see?

Now, you must understand that I have not made the clarifying statement that “you are the puppet of one of two masters” because there ARE two masters, but because some of the Brotherhood are acting out the behavior patterns and mindsets of a “self” which exists in its own right, and they have become trapped in the role, forgetting to come off the “stage” and be divinely Real once again.

This understanding allows you to more easily see why everyone’s Salvation lies in the meaning of the declaration: “Not my will, but thine be done!”

The Truth of the experience of simple conscious human individuality, which is actually divine Conscious Indivisibility ignored, is: “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” (John 5:30)

This is the absolute Truth about every one right now! There is no choice about it! But one can imagine there is!  And one can  choose to believe his imaginings, ignoring the Truth and blocking It behind his preference to be willfully committed to his so-called unique “authoritative” stand.

If this were not so, there would have been no need for someone to “stand at the door” of human consciousness “and knock” (Revelation 3:20) . . . and no need for the existence of the Holy Spirit, because one’s divinity would not have needed to be “held in trust” while one dallied with the ego.

But my presence 2,000 years ago and since, together with the provision of a Comforter called the Holy Spirit—both of which are the expression of the Father’s Love and the integrity of His Creation—has been AN ACCOMMODATION  to that artificial sense of “self” for one reason only! Not to validate it, but to restore the one entertaining it to his divine original state.

And so, I stand at the threshold called the Holy Instant, together with your right Mind—the Holy Spirit—and bring my attention to you. Why?  Again . . . to restore your Soul, Mind, Spirit and Love, to Truth—Life “off-stage”—free of the artificial sensations (fear and guilt) which are inseparable from the ever-present potential of the discovery that you are not who you are pretending to be. And also to learn that you cannot truly be what others  want you to be in order to satisfy their own narcissistic needs.

PAUL.  I understand.

RAJ.   Now comes the transfer value of what I am saying.

“As I have loved you,
love one another.”

“As I AM loving you,
love one another!”

This is the miracle of A Course in Miracles:  The function and action of the Holy Instant is a sudden shift of perception! One which happens when one looks into his brother’s eyes and remembers God.

The miracle of A Course in Miracles is your true Being . . . the Presence of Which can only be understood as the COMMUNION described by the words, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

The miracle of A Course in Miracles is the profound experience of everyone’s ever-present Birthright as a Son or Daughter of God, and it is available simply by means of abandoning the thinking, reasoning, judging and concluding which obscures the infinite peace and absolute harmony of All That Is . . . experienced as one’s Being.

The question is: Are you willing to devote yourself, like me, to the benefit of the Brotherhood . . . loving your Brother as you are being loved? It is the magnificent Answer to this question which is the Meaning of the word “Atonement.” It is not something to be afraid of.


Because it involves the realization that, “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”

“As I hear, I judge,” and only as I hear. And only then is my judgment just! Why? Because in the Silence of my Listening, Knowing the Truth is all that is left. Why? Because I am Listening with God instead of thinking for myself as a “self.”


Those who hear my voice, those who hear the Voice for Truth, those who for whatever reason have arrived at a point of no longer leaning upon their own understanding . . . even in the awful form of “giving up” in desperation and really letting go of all arrogance . . . find themselves susceptible to the inspiration of Love’s Vision infilling them, demonstrating that willful independence had been getting in the way and proving the wisdom of looking with innocent eyes.

Faithlessness arises frequently or infrequently, undermining one’s resolve . . . but it always stems from a thought embellished by faulty logic and secured by groundless fear. Do not be surprised. Faith is not a habit yet. But every inspiration felt in spite of faithlessness undoes its hold and makes each next step easier.

Today the “laborers in the vineyard” have it easier than those 2,000 years ago when I first shared what I am saying now. And every time you recognize that you are thinking and not Listening and move into the Silence, you make it easier for all the Brotherhood which is still dreaming dreams of independence to let go themselves, and find themselves infilled along with you, inspired and inspiring even more.

There is no order of difficulty in miracles because there is no order of reality to illusions, no matter how frighteningly real one’s fear seems able to make them. And the Silence in which the sudden shift of perception from illusion to Truth occurs is just one thought away . . . the one that you abandon!

Now, what does this have to do with the need with which you began this conversation? Nothing! It has to do with giving voice to the Voice for Truth. It has to do with our Function, which is to persist regardless of the ego’s attacks of faithlessness.

It is Truth that transforms. It is peace which facilitates It. And it is Love, rather than fear, which “inspires, illumines, designates and leads the way.” In other words, Love is the Creative Movement Moving! And we are being the evidence or manifestation of that Movement.

This has become clearer to you as we have talked, and you are now able to put the need and the invitation for support into its proper perspective . . . and you can now see that it has nothing to do with your integrity or lack of it, and it does not call for fear, anger, or reaction of any sort.

At the same time, the fact remains that there IS an immediate need for approximately $5,000 to meet current and past-due monthly expenses, including utilities and paychecks for Paul.

And so, as always, everyone’s support is gladly invited because everything we do IS a Gift . . . a gift from everyone here, the early workers in the vineyard (the ones practicing and experimenting with the Holy Instant) who are caring enough to share with those still standing around in the marketplace, not yet knowing where their salvation lies.

And I am thanking everyone in advance for your support.

Kingston, Washington
April 19, 2024


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“Ignorance is not a force.
What you are watching in the world
is the collapse of ignorance,
giving place to conscience,
and it is a call for
nothing other than
permission . . .

. . . the glad, embracing
focus of


Posted in CONTEMPLATIONS | 3 Comments




Jesus beheld the perfect man,
who appeared to him
where sinning mortal man
appears to mortals.


In this perfect man

the Saviour saw

God’s own likeness,
and this correct view of man
healed the sick.

                                                              — Mary Baker Eddy —




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